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Symptoms of Blood Cancer and Why Early Detection is Important

By Dr. Runu Sharma in Cancer Care / Oncology

May 29 , 2023 | 1 min read

Blood cancer, also known as haematological cancer, refers to cancer that affects the blood, bone marrow, and lymphatic system. This type of cancer is a result of abnormal growth and multiplication of blood cells, which can lead to the production of abnormal and dysfunctional blood cells.

Let's explore the symptoms of blood cancer and why early detection is crucial.

Symptoms of Blood Cancer

In some cases, symptoms may not be significantly noticeable until the cancer has advanced. However, here are some common symptoms of blood cancer:

  • Fatigue: Blood cancer can lead to a decrease in the number of RBCs which can cause fatigue and weakness.

  • Unexplained weight loss: A sudden and unexplained weight loss can be a sign of blood cancer, especially if accompanied by other symptoms.

  • Easy bruising and bleeding: Blood cancer can affect the production of platelets, which are responsible for clotting the blood. This can result in easy bruising, bleeding gums, and frequent nosebleeds.

  • Enlarged lymph nodesLymphoma, a type of blood cancer that affects the lymphatic system, can cause the swelling of lymph nodes.

  • Bone pain: Blood cancer can cause the bone marrow to produce abnormal blood cells, leading to bone pain and tenderness.

  • Night sweats: Excessive sweating at night, often accompanied by fever, can be a sign of blood cancer.

  • Infection: Blood cancer leads to low immunity, which is responsible for an increased risk of infection.

Why Early Detection is Important?

Early detection of blood cancer is critical for successful treatment outcomes. When blood cancer is diagnosed early, treatment can be more effective and less invasive. 

  • Better Treatment Options: Early detection of blood cancer can allow for a wider range of treatment options. Blood Cancer treatment modalities include chemotherapytargeted therapy, and stem cell transplantation

  • Improved Prognosis: In many cases, if blood cancer is detected early, patients can achieve remission, where the cancer is no longer detectable in the body.

  • Avoiding Complications: Blood cancer can lead to complications such as infections and bleeding disorders. 

  • Quality of Life: Early detection of blood cancer can help patients maintain a better quality of life. By catching cancer early, patients can begin treatment earlier, which can minimise the impact of symptoms and side effects on their daily lives.

In conclusion, blood cancer can be a life-threatening condition that requires prompt diagnosis and treatment. Symptoms of blood cancer can vary, but early detection is key to successful treatment outcomes.