







Top Bruising Doctors in India


Doctors Available

Dr. Vandana Garg

Senior Consultant

Internal Medicine

Experience: 32+ Years

Gender: Female

Dr. Mukesh Girdhar

Senior Consultant


Experience: 34+ Years

Gender: Male

Languages Spoken: Hindi

Dr. Ashok Grover

Senior Consultant - Internal Medicine

Internal Medicine

Experience: 22+ Years

Gender: Male

Dr. Soni Gupta

Senior Consultant - Dermatologist, Aesthetic Physician & Hair Transplant

Dermatology, Hair Transplant

Gender: Female

Languages Spoken: Hindi

Dr. Ritu Gupta

Senior Consultant


Experience: 20+ Years

Gender: Female

Languages Spoken: English

Dr. Ashish Gupta

Senior Consultant

Internal Medicine

Experience: 5+ Years

Gender: Male

Can't find what you are looking for?

Rajiv Kumar Gupta

Senior Consultant

Internal Medicine, Allergy

Gender: Male

Dr. Ritesh Gupta

Senior Consultant - Internal Medicine

Internal Medicine

Experience: 25+ Years

Dr. J.K. Jain

Senior Consultant


Experience: 22+ Years

Gender: Male

Languages Spoken: English

Dr. Nishesh Jain

Senior Consultant - Internal Medicine

Internal Medicine

Experience: 16+ Years

Gender: Male

Dr. M.L.Kalra

Senior Consultant

Internal Medicine

Experience: 40+ Years

Gender: Male

Dr. Kamal Kishore Karnani

Senior Consultant - Internal Medicine

Internal Medicine

Experience: 17+ Years

Gender: Male

Can't find what you are looking for?

Dr. Arvind Kaul

Senior Consultant Dermatologist


Experience: 19+ Years

Gender: Male

Languages Spoken: English

Dr. Sachinder Kaur

Senior Consultant

Internal Medicine

Experience: 29+ Years

Gender: Female

Dr. Manju Keshari

Senior Consultant


Experience: 19+ Years

Gender: Female

Languages Spoken: Hindi

Dr. A Kumar

Senior Consultant - Internal Medicine

Internal Medicine

Experience: 24+ Years

Gender: Male

Dr. Harshad Limaye

Senior consultant

Internal Medicine

Gender: Male

Dr. Manish Mathur

Senior Consultant- Internal Medicine

Internal Medicine

Experience: 25+ Years

Gender: Male

Can't find what you are looking for?

Dr. Viresh P Mehta

Senior Consultant - Internal Medicine

Internal Medicine

Experience: 22+ Years

Gender: Male

Dr. Gunjan Mittal

Senior Consultant

Internal Medicine

Experience: 19+ Years

Gender: Female

Dr. Deepali Mohanty

Senior Consultant – Internal Medicine

Internal Medicine

Experience: 27+ Years

Gender: Female

Dr. Anil Motta

Senior Consultant

Internal Medicine

Experience: 35+ Years

Gender: Male

Dr. Vandana Punjabi

Senior consultant


Gender: Female

Dr. Deepti Rana

Senior Consultant - Dermatologist, Laser and Aesthetic Physician


Gender: Female

Can't find what you are looking for?

Dr. Mihir S. Raut

Senior consultant

Endocrinology & Diabetes, Internal Medicine

Gender: Male

Dr. Vaibhav Rohatgi

Senior Consultant - Internal Medicine

Internal Medicine

Experience: 14+ Years

Gender: Male

Dr. R.N Saini

Senior Consultant

Internal Medicine

Experience: 48+ Years

Gender: Male

Dr. Hemant Sharma

Senior Consultant


Experience: 45+ Years

Gender: Male

Dr. B. D. Sharma

Senior Consultant

Internal Medicine

Experience: 34+ Years

Gender: Male

Dr. Vivek Sharma

Senior Consultant

Internal Medicine

Gender: Male

Can't find what you are looking for?

Dr. Rajneesh C Shrivastava

Senior Consultant - Internal Medicine

Internal Medicine

Experience: 19+ Years

Gender: Male

Dr. S.P.Singh

Senior Consultant

Internal Medicine

Experience: 43+ Years

Gender: Male

Dr. Vivek Pal Singh

Principal Consultant

Internal Medicine

Experience: 12+ Years

Gender: Male

Dr. Swadesh Kumar Singh

Senior Consultant – Internal Medicine 

Internal Medicine

Experience: 25+ Years

Gender: Male

Dr. V.R. Sood

Senior Consultant - Internal Medicine

Internal Medicine

Experience: 37+ Years

Gender: Male

Dr. Dinesh Srivastava

Senior Consultant

Internal Medicine

Experience: 39+ Years

Gender: Male

Can't find what you are looking for?

Dr. Rahul Tambe

Senior consultant

Internal Medicine

Gender: Male

Dr. Hridaya Nath Tripathi

Senior Consultant – Internal Medicine 

Internal Medicine

Experience: 48+ Years

Gender: Male

Dr. Ranjan Upadhaya

Senior Consultant - Dermatology, Laser and Hair Transplantation


Gender: Male

Dr. Amit Varma

Senior Consultant


Experience: 21+ Years

Gender: Male

Dr. Sanjay Verma

Senior Consultant

Internal Medicine

Gender: Male

Dr. Sanjay Verma

Senior Consultant - Department of Internal Medicine

Internal Medicine

Experience: 28+ Years

Gender: Male

Can't find what you are looking for?

Dr. Sunil Verma

​ Senior Consultant – Internal Medicine ​

Internal Medicine

Experience: 25+ Years

Gender: Male

Dr. Nitin S. Walia

Senior Consultant Dermatology & STD


Experience: 29+ Years

Gender: Male

Dr. Shafali Yadav

Senior Consultant - Dermatologist, Trichologist, Venerologist & Cosmetologist


Dr. Divya Aggarwal



Experience: 21+ Years

Gender: Female

Dr. Manoj Aggarwal

Consultant - Internal Medicine

Internal Medicine

Gender: Male

Dr. Rahul Arora



Experience: 13+ Years

Gender: Male

Can't find what you are looking for?

Dr. Rumana Aziz

Consultant - General Physician

Internal Medicine

Experience: 16+ Years

Gender: Female

Dr. Jeevanjyot Bahia

Senior Consultant

Internal Medicine, Preventive Health Check

Experience: 10+ Years

Gender: Female

Can't find what you are looking for?

A symptom is any indication of an underlying disease. Managing symptoms on time can drastically improve outcomes. If you are facing problem of Bruising, the doctors at Max Hospital, India are some of the best specialists in India for treating ailments related to Bruising. These doctors are the best in India and can be consulted via video consultation or in-hospital appointment. Learn more about Chest pain doctors’ qualification, background, specialization and experience. Book doctor appointments online, check OPD timings at one of the best hospitals in India.

Frequently Asked Questions

Bruising occurs when blood vessels near the skin's surface break, leading to the leakage of blood into the surrounding tissues. It is commonly caused by trauma, such as bumping or hitting an area, but it can also be a result of certain medical conditions or medications.
Generally, a bruise goes through different colour stages, starting with red or purple, then turning blue or green, and finally fading to yellow or brown. It typically takes about 1 to 2 weeks for a bruise to completely heal.
While most bruises are harmless and resolve on their own, there are instances when you should seek medical attention. If you experience severe pain, swelling, or bruising without any known cause or if bruising frequently occurs without an apparent reason, you should consult your doctor.
Yes, some medications and supplements can thin the blood or interfere with the body's ability to clot properly, which may increase the likelihood of bruising. Examples include aspirin, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), anticoagulants, and certain herbal supplements like ginkgo biloba or fish oil.
Yes, certain medical conditions can contribute to increased bruising. These include bleeding disorders (e.g., haemophilia), platelet disorders, liver disease, kidney disease, and vitamin deficiencies (e.g., vitamin C or vitamin K deficiency).
Yes, as people age, their skin loses some of its protective fatty layers. This makes blood vessels more susceptible to damage, increasing the likelihood of bruising. Additionally, ageing can lead to decreased production of collagen, which can further contribute to easier bruising.
While it may not be possible to prevent all bruises, there are measures you can take to reduce the risk. These include wearing protective gear during physical activities, using caution to avoid falls or accidents, and managing any medical conditions that may contribute to bruising.
Applying ice to a fresh bruise can help reduce swelling and minimise discolouration. Wrap an ice pack in a thin cloth and apply it to the bruised area for 10 to 20 minutes at a time, multiple times a day, during the initial 48 hours.
Heat is generally not recommended for a fresh bruise, as it may increase blood flow and worsen swelling. However, once a bruise is no longer actively swelling, applying warm compresses or taking warm baths can help promote blood circulation and aid in the healing process.
Gentle massage around a bruised area can help increase blood circulation and reduce the appearance of bruises. However, avoid applying excessive pressure or vigorous rubbing, as it may further damage the underlying tissues.
Adequate intake of vitamin C is important for maintaining healthy blood vessels and promoting wound healing. Including vitamin C-rich foods in your diet, such as citrus fruits, berries, and leafy greens, may contribute to reducing bruising and improving overall skin health.
Most bruises do not require medical attention and will heal on their own. However, if you have concerns about a bruise, experience severe pain, notice signs of infection (e.g., increasing redness, warmth, or pus), or have a bleeding disorder, consult your doctor.
While uncommon, it is possible for a bruise to become infected if bacteria enter the broken skin. Signs of infection may include increasing pain, redness, warmth, swelling, or the presence of pus.
Generally, mild to moderate exercise is safe with a bruise as long as it does not cause excessive pain or discomfort. However, it is advisable to avoid activities that may put direct pressure on the bruised area or increase the risk of further injury. If in doubt, consult your healthcare provider.
In most cases, bruising resolves without complications. However, severe bruising or repeated bruising may indicate an underlying medical condition that requires evaluation. Additionally, extensive bruising after significant trauma or injury should be examined by a healthcare professional.
Over-the-counter pain relievers, such as acetaminophen or ibuprofen, can be used to alleviate pain associated with a bruise.
Prolonged exposure to sunlight or UV radiation can potentially worsen the appearance of a bruise. It is advisable to protect the bruised area from direct sunlight and apply sunscreen with a high SPF to prevent further skin damage.
Yes, the location of a bruise can influence its healing time. Bruises in areas with more blood flow, such as the face, may heal faster compared to bruises in areas with less blood flow, such as the legs. Additionally, areas with thicker skin, like the palms or soles of the feet, may take longer to heal.